Once you have done this, you can then export new PDFs to replace the old PDFs.Adobe Acrobat Pro DC running on Windows 10. You can copy and paste elements you intend to reuse into a newly created Word document, which should have a blank title field by default. Solution 2: Always create a fresh document for a new PDF If you leave the Title field blank, the file name will be reflected in the header instead. You can then proceed to amend the document metadata such as the Title, author, etc. You should see a properties dialog box appear. Navigate to "Info" > Click on "Properties" > Double click on "Advanced Properties".

In Microsoft Word, Click on "File" in the menu barĢ. Solution 1: Amending the title field in Microsoft Word before exporting the PDFġ. One possible explanation for this is perhaps the same document template was used, but the user was not aware that if they did not change the document metadata for each new exported document, the same title will be carried forward, even if they change the file name. In this example, you can clearly see that the Title and File name are not the same. You may confirm this by opening the PDF file in Adobe Acrobat Reader > navigate to File > Properties. Reason: The browser is simply reading the metadata that is saved in the actual PDF file as the document title, which may be different from the document file name. Problem experienced: When viewing your uploaded PDF, the text in the web browser tab is showing an unintended/unexpected document title.